Cloud and Mountain

Photo by Cassie Edwards

Attention DSU Creators of Poetry, Prose, Art, Video, or Audio!

New Tricks is Dakota State’s very own literary magazine, and they are now recruiting students and faculty to offer their submissions for this year’s issue. Poetry, prose, and artwork are requested. Video and audio submissions are also highly esteemed, but, for obvious reasons, will be displayed with the online publication only.

The New Tricks team values your handiwork and is completely devoted to distributing the products of this community’s efforts and sharing the best that DSU has to offer.

If you may be interested in contributing, consider the opportunities that follow:

1. Get published
Here’s your chance for bragging rights, personal pride, satisfying accolades, and all that goes with this particular brand of “fame”. Show to yourself and to others that you’ve taken the initiative and submitted to a serious publication. Anyone can bang out a story and put it on their blog. It takes something more to offer your work for publication. That, in itself, is an achievement, and you’re worth the risk.

2. Receive recognition
Show the world that you are proud of your creations. This can be your start, the point where you can begin to make a name for yourself. It can go on your resume, it can be that thing you tell that girl you’ve been trying so hard to impress, and it can maybe even go up on your parents’ fridge. But most importantly if you are published with New Tricks, you’ll know that someone saw something particularly special in what you had to offer.

3. Share your thoughts
If you have something to say, then say it! Create something and share those somethings, because there are plenty of people out there who aren’t willing to say what needs to be said. You’re bravery will be exalted, and you’ll have a chance to bring up your ideas and your thoughts and be heard.

4. Unleash your creativity
Generating original content is sometimes a challenge to say the least, but it’s an opportunity for self-betterment and a useful tool for self-expression. New Tricks welcomes your creativity and has no stifling parameters you need concern yourself with. All that’s asked is that you show them what you can do.

5. Hone your skills
Like all things, practice makes perfect, or at least it leads to improvement. So whether you think your efforts are at their best or you just want to see if you can make it, New Tricks wants to hear from you.

6. Reach an audience and be seen.
The main thing here is to not be afraid to stand by your art. Dip your toes in the water. Take a chance. Give it a shot. You can send the world a message or just be yourself. But put yourself out there; it will be worth it.

7. Be a part of something bigger!
This one’s the kicker. By becoming involved with New Tricks at DSU, you’re strengthening your involvement with a community utterly devoted to art and talent. You’re allowing people to join you in your art and uniting yourself to a group of people who also wish to share some part of themselves with you. And lastly, you’ll be contributing to a now 22 year old tradition of literary excellence. You have a chance to make this year’s edition the best yet.


Submissions are being accepted now until March 31st.

All you have to do is send your submission to with a short biography of yourself. Included in your biography should be your name, hometown, major (if applicable), and any interests and hobbies you’d like to share.

You can also view past issues at

Please send your poetry, fiction, and nonfiction compositions in a single word document.

All photography and artwork must be submitted as JPG files.

All audio files must be submitted in MP3 or OGG format.

All video files must be submitted as a WMV file uploaded to YouTube.

1 thought on “7 Reasons to Submit to New Tricks

  1. Great article and awesome points! It inspires me to be more creative and submit my own work.

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