DSU’s Drama Club has just concluded their fall play “Arcadia,” with 4 productions from October 17th through the 20th. This production included thirteen onstage cast members, including myself, and an additional eight backstage cast members. We began rehearsals on September 12th, so we had just a little over a month to prepare for this show.

Arcadia crew members. Photo by: @georgie

Arcadia is a beautiful play with two acts and many complex lines. Because of its intricacy, the play was often called “a monster of a show” by many involved in its production. All the characters in Arcadia are extremely brilliant and have large roles to fill. The play includes characters and scenes in both the early 1800s and the present day. Arcadia explores the relationship between the two time periods and how knowledge is lost and picked up again through time. 

As we say farewell to this monster of a show, there are many more events for our theater to be excited for. The KCACTF Festival in January of next year will be attended by many cast and crew members. The festival is almost a week long and is being held in Des Moines Iowa. This will be the first time any of our cast members will be attending. From our production, Isaac Meyer and Skylar Kuhlman were nominated to compete for the Irene Ryan Scholarship. Two other cast members will be competing for this scholarship, including Enoch Martin and myself.

Stage for the Arcadia Play. Photo by: @justin-blessinger

Looking forward to the spring, DSU is planning to perform the musical Guys and Dolls. Auditions for this musical will be held at the end of this semester to provide ample time to prepare for this spectacular show. We hope to see new faces at auditions!