
            The Dakota State University athletes have been hard at work these first few weeks of school. Many athletes are in the middle of the season and others are working hard to get ready for their season. Most students find being an athlete is rewarding in many aspects, but those rewards do not come without a price. Athletes have lifting, conditioning, film, meetings, and practice throughout the week on top of classes and school work that must be completed. Many athletes also work and are a part of numerous clubs on campus as well. Needless to say, athletes have very little free time, but this past weekend they were more than happy to share this free time with the community.

DSU Athletes helping Bethel Home staff and residents. Photo from DSUAthletics on Twitter.

            The community of Madison is a huge supporter of Dakota State athletics. When the flooding hit the town hard this weekend, the athletes were quick to lend a helping hand. Every team from football to softball to the brand new esports team could be seen out in the community assisting wherever help was needed. 

            A large part of this help was directed towards making sandbags to prevent further flood damage. Athletes were there helping for hours on end to make sure that homes could be safe and protected. Athletes also assisted in the evacuation of the Bethel nursing home. This primarily included the loading and unloading of various patients and their beds. It wasn’t easy work but when the time came a couple days later to move the patients back to Bethel athletes answered the call to help once again. Athletes also helped numerous churches in the cleanup process as well.

Athletes working to make sandbags to curb flood damage in Madison. Photo from DSUAthletics on Twitter.

            Trojan athletes could have spent their two days off from school doing many things, but instead they gave back to the community. It’s also important to mention that many athletes were also victims of the flood themselves. Many athletes had to be evacuated and were displaced from their homes for numerous days. Cars were ruined and belongings were destroyed but this only made these athletes understand firsthand how much of an impact their help would have on the community. 

            Dakota State University is so blessed to be in a community that supports Trojan athletics the way Madison does. This flood affected Madison in more ways than one, and it will take time to get everyone back on their feet. The athletes at Dakota State were more than eager to lend their time and energy during this time of need and that says a lot about both the community of Madison and the athletes here. This community gives so much to athletes at Dakota State, so it only seems right that these athletes were able to show their gratitude and support back to the community when it was needed most.