DSU Tutoring: An Underused Resource

Tutor Jared Hinze assisting a student. Lead Tutor Cassandra Morgan awaiting to help a student.
On the northwest corner of the DSU campus is a magical, magical place. The Mundt Library sits as a two story castle of sorts, filled with thousands of books and umpteen resources that are practically unknown to most DSU students. One of those umpteen resources is DSU tutoring.
The tutors are located in the back of the first floor at the large U-shaped desk. Tutors are there almost all hours of the day, to cater to your available hours. Also, many do not know this, but someone can be anywhere with Wi-fi, and still access a DSU tutor via e-tutoring. (Caveat: E-tutoring is only offered during certain times. See link below.) This allows you to stay in your pj’s and still get the help or guidance you need. Heck, if you’re a freshman, the tutors even come to YOU. There are different subject nights held in Higbie Hall Monday-Thursday from 8-10 pm. Follow this link to access e-tutoring, tutor schedules and tutor class specializations. (https://portal.sdbor.edu/dsu-student/student-resources/tutoring/Pages/default.aspx)
I had a chance to sit down with the Lead Tutor at DSU Cassandra Morgan, and asked her a few key questions about what tutors can offer students. She states,”The ultimate thing we can offer students when they come in for a tutoring session is confidence. Confidence that their assignment or whatever they may be working on is doable. Confidence that they can succeed in their class. We can also help students develop life-long study skills.”
When asked about common misconceptions regarding college tutoring, Cassandra also had this to say. “The biggest misconception a student may have about coming in for tutoring is that they would be embarrassed. Coming in for tutoring makes you the farthest thing from that. You are here to seek help and do better. That makes you smart! You are here to get help with an assignment. It’s just like if you were on the job, and you had a question about something – you ask your boss or co-worker. It is the same with tutoring. When you don’t know how to do something, you ask so that you can learn.” Well said, Cassandra.
She also had this to add about misconceptions: “Students are also sometimes afraid they will be judged. This is also far from reality.” (Refer to the above misconception debunk.) “The only people who will know you have been to tutoring are your tutor or any students who were around. Just know that there is also e-tutoring available.” “The last misconception I would like to mention is that we are here to do your homework. No, no and no. We are here to guide you and help you develop the skills to become independent learners. ”
Bonus: “Often we as tutors can teach students multiple strategies in how to approach a problem or assignment, when professors, in their classes, who may not have time to teach all the strategies. One must remember that there are usually many ways to get the same end product. In essence, we are an extension of the professor’s instruction.”
Take it from Cassandra – come in to be tutored. Any questions? Send the Tutor Coordinator Patti Beck an email. (patti.beck@dsu.edu)