DSU’s definitely got talent!

Photo by Tiffany Sommer
The TC Underground was oversaturated with talent on Wednesday night, as DSU’s finest took the stage in a grand gala of skill and mastery. The event, featuring an all star judging committee of DSU favorites Professors Berman and Gaylor, as well as Senior Andy Meyer, saw students of all majors show up to have a good time!
From bright-eyed freshmen to wizened seniors – everyone cheered everyone else on as they performed their hearts out in the spotlight. Although songs dominated the event lineup, there were still a few rather unconventional routines on the roster including classical poetry (delivered in costume) and an all-out saxophone choir.
Highlights of the show included, aside from the rather awesome anomalies, some brilliant covers including a heart touching rendition of ‘You haven’t seen the last of me’ and a jaw-dropping cover of ‘Gravity’. Disney fans were also in for a treat with a nostalgic delivery of ‘Can you feel the love tonight’ (featured in the Lion King).
But what really made this talent show memorable was the audience participation and the judges’ banter! The post performance critiques invariably made the audience double over in laughter. Special mention must go the performer who attempted to bribe the board by removing his shirt (with hillarious results).
A special thanks goes out to DSU Live for arranging the whole thing and, of coures, to everyone who attended the event! If you are sad you couldn’t come, don’t worry! Follow the official DSU LIVE page and stay up to date with all the hip and happening stuff around the campus. You don’t even need to bribe them with articles of clothing!