Getting GOing

Nic Brosz
Every student who has been to DSU has at least one thing in common: we all have had a freshman year. We all remember the uncertainty of being in a new university, meeting all new people, and living away from what we were familiar with. Luckily for all of us who have been enrolled at Dakota State University during the past eight years, we have been fortunate enough to have the GO! Team to ease that transition.
The GO! (Get Oriented!) Team is made up of returning students who have volunteered their time to help new students get used to the ins and outs of campus life at DSU. Envisioned by director of student activities, Mandy Parpart, eight years ago, the GO! Team has assisted both newcomers and oldtimers alike by encouraging socialization through games, group projects, snack outings, and much more.
The events themselves begin on moving day (Saturday, August 27th this year) when freshmen are assigned to their GO! group and welcomed to the campus. The project continues through the following weeks, encouraging freshmen to attend sporting events and student get-togethers such as DSU Movie Night on Tuesday evening (September 6th) at 9:00pm at the West Twin Theater (entrance fees are just a dollar) or the Activities Fair on Wednesday, September 7th at 11am on the West TC lawn.
This year there were a total of 26 GO! members. Each GO! group consists of two GO! leaders or partners called GO! Twos. Over half of those GO! leaders have returned from previous years. For the GO! leaders, it isn’t all fun and games, however. Each member attends a day-and-a-half training exercise at Camp Lakodia (located on Lake Herman, west of Madison) to get ready for their students and to ensure that they know how to get everyone involved. Everyone should be thank their GO! leaders for the time and effort put into making the freshman year just a little bit easier for all the newcomers.
“This was a great opportunity to meet new people, and to interact with incoming students,” said Brandi Gau, one of the GO! leaders this year. “Playing Captains on Deck was a big hit. The Captains on Deck game was a great way for students to laugh and have fun.” Another GO! leader, Sara Shultz, agrees. “Being a Go-Leader was a wonderful experience. It gave me the opportunity to help freshman adjust into college.”
Sometime after Homecoming, Mandy Parpart will be giving out a survey to the freshmen who experienced the GO! project to get feedback on what they thought of the experience. It is encouraged that all freshmen participate so that the experience can be better-tailored in the years to come to help even more newcomers adjust to their new lives at Dakota State University.
In the meantime, make sure to let your GO! leaders know what you think of the project and feel free to share your personal experiences here on the Trojan Times website.