Homecoming 2014: Football DSU vs Presentation College

Photo by Tiffany Sommer
The stands were packed with DSU fans all preparing for a good game against the Saints on a beautiful September day. Kickoff for the Homecoming game started at 4:30pm with a roar of cheering from the crowd. The game started off fast with the Saints receiving and scoring the first touchdown but missing the extra point. The Trojans got the ball and immediately after scored a touchdown and the extra point putting the score to 7-6 Trojans. Towards the end of the first quarter, the saints rushed the ball in for a touchdown and earned the extra point which put the Saints ahead 13-7. The first quarter was rough for the DSU Trojans.
The second quarter started 7-13 in favor of the Saints. The crowd went wild when the Trojans got an early touchdown making the score to 14-13 Trojans. The next score came when the Trojans took a field goal further separating the score 17-13 in favor of the Trojans. The crowd looked upon this quarter with anxious eyes as a battle raged on the field between the Saints and the Trojans with multiple interceptions by both teams and even a sack made by DSU’s own Mason Dicker. The second quarter ended with DSU slightly ahead 17-13.
After the first kick-off of the third quarter, the Trojan’s immediately scored a touchdown furthering the Trojan’s lead to 23-13 after a missed the extra point. The Saints were not down long and managed to get a touchdown after receiving the next kick putting the game to 23-20 still in favor of the Trojans. The Trojans would earn another touchdown after receiving on their own 45 yard line and get the extra point putting the score 30-20. The Saints answered by scoring their own touchdown and extra point making the score a little closer at 30-27 with the Trojans ahead. Next, the Trojans recovered a fumble and turned the opportunity into a Trojans a touchdown and extra point making the score 37-27 Trojans. The Saints ended the 3rd quarter controlling the ball, but were unable to score.
The fourth and final quarter got underway with a bang as shortly after the first kick the Saints rushed across the field for a touchdown and extra point putting them back into the game at 37-34 Trojans. The game kept on grinding with the Trojans fighting to keep their hard earned lead. With the last few moments running down on the clock and the Saints in possession of the ball, they completed a desperate pass attempt and rushed down the field scoring the final touchdown and extra point of the game making the final score a heartbreaking 41-37 Saints.