House Fire

Pam Libby's house after the fire. Photo by The Madison Daily Leader
A few weeks ago, Pam Libby, a physical plant worker at Dakota State University, lost her house to an electrical fire. According to Pam, the fire originated from an electric mattress pad in the early hours of the morning. Remarkably, she had left for work an hour or so earlier that day and was not in the house at the time of the fire.
The Madison community reached out to assist Pam in her time of need. Fundraising events were organized with the common goal of helping Pam get back on her feet. Recently, a soup supper and movie night were held. Both nights had good turnouts. As for future events, Pam mentioned Living Hope planning something in the next few weeks. More information should be available soon.
Currently, Pam is renting a place in the Madison area. She says, she is happy to have a place to call home. Unfortunately, many mementos from her old home were destroyed by fire and water damage. While donations can never replace the sentimental value of Pam’s lost items, she is thankful for the items people have been donating. She also mentioned, after being contacted by several people asking if she needed anything, she is able to accept more items now that she has a place to live. Readers can contact Pam about donating through her email or through student services at DSU.