“They say, ‘College is where you’ll meet lifelong friends.’ Yet here you are, wondering—where are these people?”

Starting college can be a little nerve-wracking, especially when making new friends. The good news? You’re not alone! Many people feel the same way, and as you read this article, countless others are looking for ways to build new friendships, just like you. College offers a mix of personalities, backgrounds, and interests, which can make finding your group challenging. But don’t worry—here are some helpful tips to make the process easier.

Cooking and Gardening Club at DSU

1. Smile: The Universal Icebreaker

Humans are naturally drawn to positive energy. Smiling not only makes you appear approachable but also signals to others that you’re open to conversation. A simple smile can break the ice and make others feel comfortable starting a chat with you.

2. Join Clubs and Organizations

You’ve probably heard this before, but it truly works. Joining clubs or student organizations is one of the best ways to meet new people. Whether it’s an AI club, a dance team, or a pre-professional society, these spaces bring together individuals with similar interests. By surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you’re much more likely to form friendships naturally over shared activities and passions.

3. Try the “Sitting Trick”

A tactic that worked for many students, myself included, is to sit next to someone who is sitting alone in class or the dining hall. Most likely, they don’t know many people in the room either, which makes them more open to conversation. In the dining hall, instead of sitting by yourself, you can approach someone sitting alone and say, “Mind if I join you?” It’s a casual, low-pressure way to start a conversation, and you may find a new friend over a meal.

4. Attend Campus Events

Colleges host a wide variety of events throughout the semester, from cultural festivals to career fairs and academic talks. These events offer a relaxed setting where you can mingle with people who share similar interests. Not only will you enjoy a fun experience, but you’ll also have a chance to meet new people outside of the classroom or dorms. Go with an open mind, and you might leave with a new friend.

Student Activities Board at DSU

By using these strategies, you’ll find that making friends in college doesn’t have to be difficult. The key is to put yourself out there, stay open-minded, and remember that your friends are looking for you too!

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