Phi Beta Lambda: Business as Usual

Phi Beta Lambda
With the school year in full swing, many students are settling back into college life. Everyone has a few weeks of class under their belts and students are looking to join different clubs and organizations on campus. The recent activities fair showcased many of the clubs and organizations offered at DSU. One such organization is Phi Beta Lambda.
PBL is one of the oldest, largest, and most recognized collegiate organizations in the United States. It helps college students to increase their business knowledge and develop their leadership, communication, and team building skills. The mission of PBL is to “bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and development programs.”
PBL hosts several events throughout the school year. Some of the events that happen here on campus include the Mardi Gras dance, the Sweetheart Raffle, and $1 movie night. Some of the event that happen in the community include bringing Santa to town, raking leaves, and the March of Dimes Jail n’ Bail.
In addition to the campus and community events, PBL members participate in competitions at the state and national level. Since DSU is the only PBL chapter in South Dakota, DSU’s PBL is a part of Iowa’s PBL. In the fall, PBL members travel to Iowa to participate in the Fall State Leadership Conference. It is a chance for members to network and build their professional skills through various programs and workshops. In the spring, members also participate in the Spring State Leadership Conference. During the spring conference, DSU PBL members compete in a variety of events. These events include creating business concepts, doing statistical analysis, designing websites, conducting sales presentation, and practicing business communication. Students who place in the top five of their event become eligible to compete at the National Leadership Conference. Last summer, DSU’s PBL had nine students representing South Dakota at the NLC in Anaheim, California. Six of those nine students placed in the top ten of their events.
PBL is a business club, but there are plenty of students with majors other than business who are involved. PBL is not only a great way to get involved on campus and meet other likeminded students, but it is also a chance to give back to the community of Madison. DSU has around seventeen returning PBL members this year. If you are interested in joining Phi Beta Lambda, you can become a member any time of the year.