Midnight Policy Flyer

To The Editor:

I am writing to you about a recent policy change that was put into place by administration responsible for Student Affairs. It has come to a group of our attention that ALL on-campus events are forbidden to last any longer than midnight without the proper permission prior to the event. This affects, but is not limited to: gaming, dances, ultimate frisbee (if it becomes a club), athletics, Humans vs. Zombies

A group of people: David Miller, Zach Merrill, Jordan Stewart, and myself are currently organizing a petition for students to sign if they are in disagreement with this newly instated policy which contains a comment section for any feedback a student feels they would like to offer.

We are also organizing an open forum during the Student Association Senate meeting on March 13th at 8 pm. The location is TBA.

We have received many comments from students how they are upset about the policy. Many have told us that they are adults, and should not be given a “curfew”. We have also heard how our GAF funds are used to pay for our student union and all student organizations, so it should not be the choice of a few administrators how they are governed.

I have attached a link to our petition and to a flyer that will be distributed throughout campus.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to shoot me an e-mail (teboyte@pluto.dsu.edu). I would love to hear back from you.

Thank You,

Taylor Boyte

Petition Link