
Dan Crisler

Thanks to the Dakota State chapter of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), Madison students and residents will now have a new entertainment option in the form of laser tag starting this semester.

However, this is not the laser tag found at malls. SIFE adviser Dr. Derek Franken describes it more specifically, “This isn’t rinky-dink laser tag. This is the laser tag the military trains with.”

Initially, SIFE will have an arsenal of five carbines and eight sub-machine guns. SIFE paid $1000 dollars per weapon. Teams of five will be pitted against each other in leagues that were being determined as of this writing.

While Madison residents have to pay some sort of periodic fee that was yet to be determined, Dakota State students can pay an upfront fee at the beginning of each semester to gain the privileges of laser tag throughout the semester.

“We find that students have more money at the beginning of the semester than they do at any other time,” Dr. Franken said, explaining why SIFE has chosen this rout for DSU students.

After the initial period of hosting regular laser tag games, there are hopes that SIFE will be able to afford medic boxes. These boxes will allow for new modes of play such as capture the flag.

To be able to afford the set-up for laser tag, SIFE needed to have a couple of ways of fundraising. The bulk of that fundraising was achieved from the Haunted House event the past two Halloweens. While the haunted house served as a nice entertainment option for the students, Dr. Franken said it was just a project to achieve the laser tag business.

Another project is a Trojan discount card. These cards can be purchased from specific locations around campus for $10. In return, they provide discounts and/or free items from restaurants such as Dairy Queen and Pizza Ranch.

Now that the big story of laser tag and its funding is out of the way, it’s time to explain the SIFE organization and its members.

SIFE is a worldwide organization whose individual university chapters include some of the top business majors at that university. SIFE focuses on people, profit, and the planet and how they can positively affect each of those three things.

In particular, the Dakota State SIFE chapter has done positive things for the Madison community, such as buying smoke alarms and giving them to Madison families. In addition, for those that already had smoke alarms, SIFE members offered to check their alarms to see if they were functioning properly. They also collaborated with Prairie Village on the Village’s Pumpkin Train.

While SIFE is traditionally a business club, Dakota State’s small enrollment allows its SIFE chapter to include all majors, even if that major has nothing to do with business.

“SIFE is traditionally a business club. But because we are a small campus, we encourage students of all majors to join. All students can display their wares with SIFE. We are actually going to be employing people this year. If they’re looking for a job with the laser tag, they can contact our e-mail address (,” Dr. Franken elaborated.

Dr. Franken suggests that idealists who wish to express their ideas should think about applying for membership in SIFE.

“If you can come up with an idea, any idea, that affects people, profit, and planet, and if you have the manpower, you can follow through with these ideas. How often in life do you get that opportunity?”