Trojan Times' Cookbook: Adrew Van Demark's Spice Meat and Noodles


(Editors Note: The Trojan Times is interested in helping college students to eat affordable meals on a tight budget. We asked our staff to submit some of their favorite cheap and delicious college recipes. If you have some cheap and easy recipes you would like to submit please send them to

–          One box of Macaroni & Cheese or Raman noodles

–          One sliced hot dog or sausage

–          Siracha or Teriyaki sauce

–          Mixed vegetables (jalapenos, carrots, banana peppers, onion, peppers, etc.)

–          One egg

–          Cheese (sliced or shredded)

First, cook the macaroni and cheese or Raman noodles.  It should take about 7-10 minutes to cook.

While you wait for the noodles/macaroni to cook, slice up the hot dog and cook it on the stove.  If you don’t want to use a hot dog you can substitute any type of meat such as hamburger meat, sausage, chicken, steak, etc.

If you have any vegetables, you want to begin cutting them up and adding them to the cooking meat at this time.  I recommend jalapenos, carrots, and banana peppers for this particular dish.  Feel free to add other vegetables of your choosing, such as onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.

Once the mac and cheese or Raman are done, add all ingredients into a bowl.

Now add a sauce. I recommend siracha or teriyaki sauce.  Make sure to mix well.

For extra flavor, cook an egg and add cheese if you want.  Place the cooked egg on top of the final dish.

Of course you can add or take out parts of this recipe.  It is a simple dish that doesn’t take long to make and you can make different each time.