Trojan Times’ Cookbook: Mostafa Haque’s Beef Curry


(Editors Note: The Trojan Times is interested in helping college students to eat affordable meals on a tight budget. We asked our staff to submit some of their favorite cheap and delicious college recipes. If you have some cheap and easy recipes you would like to submit please send them to

– 1lb Ground Beef

– 1 tsp salt

– 1 tsp turmeric powder

– 1 tsp chili powder

-1/2 tsp cumin

– 1/4 tsp curry powder

-3 onions

-1/2 inch grated ginger

-3 garlic cloves

-1/2 cup oil

Mix all the ingredients given with the beef in a large bowl. Without adding any water to beef, put it on the cooker on low heat until water comes out of the beef and onions. Then increase the heat a little and cook until the water is dried up. Then add 3 glasses of water to the beef ,boil it ,and then put it on a low heat until it is cooked thoroughly and is soft. Add more water if it is not soft and cook for some time more. Enjoy!