Water Crisis hits Madison

DSU students are being advised against using water for drinking,showering or washing as a caved in roof at the Madison Water Treatment Plant left an entire well contaminated.
Hardworking men and women are already at work pumping out the contaminated water, but, as relayed by Mayor Roy Lindsay, the true extent of the contamination may not be assessed till early tomorrow morning. Until then, a water-boil alert is effective across Madison.
At this time, classes at DSU will continue tomorrow and offices will be open. However, DSU President Dr. Borofsky has also stated that the decision may be reversed as more information regarding the situation is released.
Trojan Times advises all its readers to stock up on bottled water and to keep an eye on the official Keloland page for first-hand updates : http://www.keloland.com/newsdetail.cfm/urgent-madison-water-contaminated/?id=158766