Handshake: The Latest and Greatest Way to Get You a Job

On January 31st at four PM and February 1st at noon career services held the first handshake workshops of the semester in the Tunheim Classroom Building. They said that approximately 20 students attended the session. They also presented it online for our online or remote students who could not attend. The weather made an impact on the number of students able to attend. The workshop covered: creating a profile on Handshake, uploading resumes to the app, making appointments for career advising, and searching for internships and jobs.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the software, Handshake is a system that was introduced to the DSU campus this fall. The software itself has been established for approximately five years. It is a tool utilized by universities and employers to connect students to future careers and internships. It has the schools pay for the program, its free to students within the university, and free for businesses/companies to join. It can connect a student to a company through their profile, where the student lists their skills, previous work experience, and what they are looking for in a job.

Deb Roach, the director of career services, stated why Handshake was beneficial to the campus, “In addition to opportunities throughout the state, it really gives students access to opportunities throughout the country.” This is especially helpful for online or distance students who may be looking for something remote, online, or near their location.

Career services may be hosting more workshops similar to this one in the future. However, the frequency is still in discussion. To keep up with more events or workshops that may be happening through career services they recommend following their Facebook page, where they post upcoming events and information.

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