New Tricks: Requesting Submissions for 2014 Issue

Artwork by James Chattin
New Tricks, DSU’s own literary magazine with a legacy more than 20 years in the making, is once again recruiting talent from throughout the Dakota State community. The ambition of this year’s production team is astounding, and now all they need is you!
DSU’s online publication of the magazine not only welcomes prose, poetry, and artwork, but video and audio submissions as well. Now is your opportunity to become a published writer or artist and to showcase your talents.
DSU students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate by sending in submissions, and the New Tricks staff is eager to publish fresh content from the talented DSU community. Don’t be afraid to send in something edgy, emotional, weird, spontaneous, or completely you.
If you’re proud of your work and would like to be considered for publication in the New Tricks magazine, all you need to do is email your submission to [email protected] along with a short biography of yourself. Please include in your biography your name, hometown, major (if applicable), and any interests and hobbies.
View past issues of the New Tricks magazine here at, and help make this year’s the best yet!
And if you haven’t completed your masterpiece, you still have time. Submissions are being accepted now until March 31st.
Please send your compositions in a single word document. Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction submissions are equally appreciated.
All photography and artwork must be submitted as JPG files.
All audio files must be submitted in MP3 or OGG format.
All video files must be submitted as a WMV file uploaded to YouTube.