Beacom Premier Complex: A new chapter for DSU

DSU is making some substantial advancements this year! At the start of the semester, we had a massive Trojan Nights celebration and dedication to our brand-new Beacom Premier Complex and the Brian Kern Family Stadium! DSU students and many community members attended the concert that marked the opening of the complex.
This gorgeous new complex was no small feat, the project cost 41 million dollars and was privately funded. The main donors for this project are CEO and president of Premier Bankcard, Miles and Lisa Beacom who donated $10 million towards the advancement of DSU athletics.
Most people have heard the name Beacom as it is associated with the Beacom Institute of Technology and the Dan Beacom Track & Field. Additionally, The Brian Kern Family Stadium was named after the president of Rosebud Wood Products, who is a long-time supporter of DSU athletics. The Kern family has donated to the new facility and has provided many scholarships for student-athletes which influenced the stadium’s name.
We hear so many great things about the complex, but what exactly will the new facility do for us?
First, this will be a great benefit to DSU athletics as the last athletics facility, the Fieldhouse, was finished in 1960. The goal of the new complex is to ensure “student-athletes at Dakota State University have the same learning experiences on the field as they do in the classroom,” as stated on a plaque in the Beacom Complex.
As the final details are still being completed, we are not quite sure when the public will get full access. The complex includes a new Trojan Zone location and will serve as an updated concessions stand.
On the inside, the complex includes many benefits for athletes, among them locker rooms, a weight room, a laundry room, a physical therapy room, a coach’s room, and even a new eSports room. Many of these rooms are already open to DSU athletes, but some of the suites require additional donations to be completed.
Additionally, the complex will have facilities for even non-athletic students. The complex includes a studio, streaming, and production rooms, and other classrooms.
Even though the facility is not entirely completed, there are many reasons to be excited, whether you are an athlete or not. Tours will open on October 7th to DSU students and the general public to view the complex and all it has to offer.
Hopefully, we will soon be able to take advantage of the facility and reap all of the benefits that are promised.