Dakota State University Announces New Artificial Intelligence Major

AI, Machine learning, Hands of robot and human touching on big data network connection background, Science and artificial intelligence technology, innovation and futuristic.

AI, Machine learning, Hands of robot and human touching on big data network connection background, Science and artificial intelligence technology, innovation and futuristic.

There’s nothing fake about how smart AI is.

We have all become acclimated to Siri, Cortana, or Google Assist on our cellphones, and have witnessed the rise of self-driving cars, and even Roombas! It’s not only hardwired mechanics that make these appliances what they are – it is also thanks to how well-endowed AI is! Whenever I try to think of how things like that work, I feel like I’d be reading a spell book! Thankfully, the answers are closer than we think!

In 2021, Dakota State University announced its Artificial Intelligence: Bachelor of Science degree! The degree flaunts its ability to teach students not only how to utilize different types of AI, but also how to deeply understand and eventually develop their own! AI is in many more than we even consider, and the AI: BS degree will open the doors to interested students about the possibilities of where their AI know-all can come into use!  ___Super company, Tesla, is one of the most popular of today’s businesses using AI in everything they create! From “imitation learning” in their self-driving cars, to building bipedal robots that can complete repetitive, boring, or extra dangerous tasks without sacrificing human time or lives. The different types of AI that DSU will introduce you to will build a strong foundation, and hands-on experience to strengthen your resume. Giving students an edge in this increasingly competitive and revolutionized industry!

Another opportunity DSU mentions while looking over the AI major is the opportunity to investigate applications that make AI possible! The plan of study for this major is heavily focused on getting you, the student, to become an expert on computers, computer systems, and AI. Starting with an “Introduction to computers” course (CSC 105,) taking a few computer science courses (CSC 150, 250), several classes oriented in online structures and designs (CSC 260, 300,) all the way up to advanced algorithms and optimizations (CSC 482) you are guaranteed to get a deep understanding of computers. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CSC 247,) Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (CSC 402), and Artificial Intelligence (CSC 447) are sure to prepare you for the finer details and mechanics of working in this field. Preparing you for the basics, as well as incredibly advanced and specific courses to ensure job placement after graduation from the degree and serves as a pride point for DSU!

Artificial Intelligence, as cool as I can make it sound, does have unfortunate connotations surrounding it. It has served at the center of several science fiction pieces of literature as the antagonist more than a few times. There are also more recent concerns with specific AI applications that generate art and portraits in seemingly any style and by any artist. DallE-2, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion are some of the biggest names whenever the argument is brought up. Dakota State University has promoted boldly in any information they offer regarding the major, that they will teach students to utilize AI in only ethical and moral ways. DSU isn’t looking to bring up the next supervillain, they are wanting the exact opposite, in fact! AI will be able to automate several jobs that are dangerous and low paying for humans and open the door for better-paying jobs in specifications that are only growing and will be required for years to come.

Dakota State University is propriating this major as a large part of their goal for advancements in cyberspace! The Cyber-27 initiative is aiming for new heights with their promises to deliver more opportunities for students to get enveloped in cyber programs, building new research and related facilities on and off campus in order to “become the country’s #1 cyber program in the country” in the year 2027!

Artificial Intelligence is one of the fastest growing career paths in the world, and Madison is guaranteeing success from their Artificial Intelligence Bachelor of Science for their students and future experts.