Don’t Shoot The Messenger: Intermission

Photo by Andrew Koerner
From: Tempest[1]
To: Eternity
Subject: NYTE-141X
I have some concerns about NYTE-141X. He has been far too inquisitive lately. He has already interviewed several coworkers and even attempted to ask me for one. I suspect he may be investigating us with the intent to expose us. What plan of action should be taken against him?
Tempest, Division NYTE Handler
From: Eternity
To: Tempest
Subject: RE: NYTE-141X
“The Messenger” works just fine, Tempest. The names are a lot easier to memorize than those numbers and I’d prefer not to have to check my records every single time you have an issue with one of your agents.
I highly doubt the Messenger is working with the authorities. If he were, we’d already know about it. Why do you think we make sure to have some of our people in the government and police forces? If he’s informing or even if he’s intending to gather information and rat us out, we’ll have time to get ourselves looking respectable by the time the cops come knocking. I understand that you’re still new to your position and probably haven’t dealt with this issue yourself, but you need to learn to relax a bit. We’ve been through this exact situation dozens of times in the past.
Really, this could be more helpful than not. Let him play journalist since it’s not hurting anything. Go ahead and give him what he wants. Not all of it, but just enough to sate his appetite. Most of what he wants is probably common knowledge to a lot of our agents, anyway.
The Messenger isn’t a problem. If I were you, I’d worry more about Caper. He tends to experience suspicious drops in performance when the marks are younger. I’d suggest giving this assignment to another division.
From: Tempest
To: Eternity
Subject: RE: NYTE-141X
I am well aware of Caper’s tendencies. I have spoken to him and I believe we can manage the assignment.
With all due respect, Eternity, if we suspect that the Messenger is in any way going to run, why should we provide him with more information that he would be able to use against us?
Tempest, Division NYTE Handler
From: Eternity
To: Tempest
Subject: RE: NYTE-141X
If you think you have the situation under control I suppose I have no choice but to trust your judgment. I certainly hope for both our sakes that you’re a better judge of character than I am.
Regarding the Messenger: simply put, giving him that information is a symbol of trust. More than that, though, it’s a thread he can follow. If he knows he can get more information from us, he’ll stick around and try to go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. I’m sure you agree that the Messenger has quite a bit of potential. He’s a good worker and fairly clever, if a bit unambitious. If he’s getting a bit too nosy, well, that’s a form of initiative, and an easily controlled one. Information is addicting, and if we can provide it to him, he’ll stick around to get his fix. Then it’s all a matter of winning him over.
From: Tempest
To: Eternity
Subject: RE: NYTE-141X
That assumes that we can win him over. If we cannot, it could end up being very bad for us.
Tempest, Division NYTE-141X Handler
From: Eternity
To: Tempest
Subject: RE: NYTE-141X
Yes, it certainly would.
[1] Please don’t ask how I got my hands on these. Not yet. ~T