DSU Students Get Hypnotized

Where were you Wednesday night? If you were not in the Underground, you missed quite the show. The Student Activities Board brought hypnotist, Chris Jones, to campus, and he did not disappoint. Chris hypnotized about a dozen DSU students who became the stars of the night and the talk of campus in the days that followed.
The hypnotized students, guided along by Chris, entertained the audience with a variety of different acts. They became super heroes with super powers, playboy bunnies who struck poses, and dinosaurs that became extinct because of passed gas. They also joined the audience and road roller coasters as they screamed and grasped for their neighbors in hopes of hanging on for dear life. The gentlemen went shirtless and gave birth to babies. They were such proud fathers… no, mothers…, no… parents, yes they were such proud parents! The students danced their booties off like there was no tomorrow, were convinced that they were naked, had body parts blown off, and saw sides of Chris that some wished they had not seen and some could not get enough of.
Overall, the night was a success and was filled with one-liners that are still floating around campus today. Chris’s show was simply wonderful and attracted one of the biggest crowds of the school year, somewhere around 150 people, who probably all enjoyed their time. The Student Activities Board will definitely have to look at bringing Chris back to campus in the future. Events like this are put on year round by several organizations throughout campus and should definitely be considered by people trying to get the most out of their college experience.

Featured photo by Tiffany Sommer