FAQ for Art292 2014 Europe Spring Tour with Alan Montgomery.

The Art of Rome and Paris DSU Faculty Led Program
Question: Why travel abroad?
Answer: Paris, Florence, Assisi, and Rome are destinations that beckon you to see their architectural wonders and their fabulous museums. The sights, sounds, and yes the cuisine of these places are central to the experience of travel abroad. One little known fact is that employers value employees who have traveled abroad especially to non-English speaking countries.
Question: How does the course work and who can go?
Answer: The faculty led program leaving this May, will indulge your appetite for all things beautiful. Anyone can travel. Students and non-students can go DSU charges a fee for both students and non-students as part of the faculty led program. So you can bring your friend, aunt, mom, dad, or anyone you know who loves art and travel. Art292 special topics, is set up to offer students the opportunity to substitute an art history course or an art appreciation course or they may choose to pursue an elective from 1-3 credits. Students who are currently DAD majors in digital storytelling may create a project with their instructors’ approval.
Question: What does the cost cover?
Answer: The short answer is a lot! All transportation, hotels, all entrance fees, and three dinners are included. In addition you will have a 24/7tour director available on tour. Professor Alan Montgomery is the tour faculty group leader and this will be his fourth year on this trip.
Question: Can I continue traveling after the tour ends?
Answer: Yes you may and you can arrange all your plans ahead of time. All students wishing to continue traveling cam stay at youth hostels and obtain Eurail passes, which can be bought and booked online. This is a definite option and is a great way to extend your stay. EF College Study Tours will arrange for a departure gateway back to the U.S for a fee of $150 approximately and from the gateway and date of your choosing.
So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and join us on the trip of a lifetime. Remember, it is important to sign up for the class and enroll on the tour, then imagine yourself a world traveler with a whole new perspective!
P.S You will need a passport.
EF College Study Tours: www.efcollegestudytours.com/1437247PU
DSU Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/512538932127571/