Go! Leaders and Campus Officials Keep the Campus Sparkling

Welcome back DSU! I hope everyone returning, or here for the first time, had a great summer and are more than ready for an exciting year. As most of you are unpacking your dorm, or apartment, enjoying the first week of classes, and mingling in the TC with new and old friends, many students have been behind the scenes of Dakota State, working hard to ensure that your year runs smoothly. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge those students who willingly cut their summers short to make DSU a great place to come to school.
A lot goes into readying the campus for the return of students. Physical plant does an excellent job keeping the campus looking beautiful over the summer, and professors and deans plan for the next semester, anxiously waiting for students, I am sure. All these people work hard year round so we, the students can enjoy our summers and return recharged, refreshed, and ready for the semester. Many students, however, care about the DSU experience so much; they choose to help shape it. This decision involves varying degrees of dedication, but most of all, a shorter summer!
Resident Assistants and Go! Leaders are who I am talking about, of course! RA’s come back to Madison and enter a rigorous training session in mid-August. Dustin Stage came back to Madison, leaving his summer internship in Minnesota, on August 14th. Go! Leaders leave their summer lives and come to training the Monday before school starts. This year especially, with the kickoff of the FYRE program, these workers have been vigilant.

Featured photo by Tiffany Sommer