Photography Studies Abroad is the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Even busy college students have enough time to dream of traveling afar. Daydreams of Paris streets, the magnificent London Bridge, or the picture-perfect landscapes of Scotland have surely crossed our minds at some point. That is why when students hear about the Photography Studies Abroad program provided by DSU, they believe it’s too good to be true.
The Photography Studies Abroad tour is a 16-day trip where students travel and visit 3 different locations in Europe including London, Paris, and Scotland. Throughout the trip, students not only learn about photography , but also get a whole new perspective on life itself by meeting a lot of great new people and doing things entirely out of their comfort zone. The number of places that the group visits in such a short amount of time is incredible. Students visit locations such as: The Eiffel Tower, The London Bridge, Hampton Court, Warwick Castle, The Notre Dame Cathedral, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, and so many more. According to Tom Jones, the professor for the trip, now is the time to go, “There are so many opportunities on the trip for students of different interests. My favorite part of the trip is introducing students to something of the past. The U.S is so young, and when you go over it’s like a whole different world. It’s also great getting the group together. Everyone is so different and comes from such different places, but you learn so much from each other when you’re in a new place for that amount of time.”
Being in a new place for 16 days, students can witness an entirely new culture. Each place the group goes is different, from the amazing food, to the style, and even the music. With the new culture comes the ability to not only learn from the people around you, but learn and explore new hobbies and interests of your own. There are so many neat things to do while away that one could never get bored or homesick. By the time the trip is complete, it’s hard to believe that a full 16 days has passed, and many students may already start saving up for the next trip. If you are student interested in traveling, have a love for photography, or just want to go on the adventure of a lifetime, this trip is for you! Save up the money, get a passport and get ready to open the doors to a whole new world of opportunity.