On Wednesday, January 20, 2016, the TC Underground was abuzz with activity and music from KDSU for the Spring Activities Fair. A variety of DSU clubs and organizations had set up booths to show off exactly what they had to offer and provide insight for any students interested in joining. Although a steady flow of students was heading from booth to booth, the numbers were noticeably lacking compared to the Fall Activities Fair last semester. As a result, the number of students signing up was equally less.

The reason behind this isn’t something to cause concern though. The simple answer is that the main demographic of the Spring Activities Fair is that of new attendees here at DSU who arrived at the beginning of this semester. Aaron Curry, representing the Game Design Club mentioned that the students he spoke with and those signing-up were mainly new or transfer students.

Joining a club or organization is a great way for these students to participate and get settled in here on campus. This can surely be a daunting task, especially when everyone else is already in the swing of things. New students may also be absent of another important aspect of college, friends. Joining a club or organization is a great way to meet other students, and better yet, students with the same or similar interests. Of course, the fair wasn’t just for new students, but any student looking for a change or to pass their free time during this semester.

If you missed the activities fair today but still want to join a club or organization, there’s no need for hesitation. Speak with a member of, or representative for the club/organization of your choosing, and they will surely help in getting you involved.



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