Theater Students Will Attend Region Five Festival

The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival is a national theater program involving 18,000 students from colleges and universities nationwide. Every year Dakota State University participates in our regional festival; competing in various categories for awards, recognition, and scholarships.
Last year, several actors traveled to Ames, Iowa to compete for the Irene Ryan Scholarship. None of our nominees received that honor, but two DSU students, Zachary Kantack and Jamie Rueckert, received a national award for their design contributions to the Fall 2011 production of Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman.
This year, the Dakota State University Theater Company is proud to be sending students to Lincoln, Nebraska for the Region 5 Festival. Acting Nominees for the Irene Ryan Scholarship are Tawny Jones and Jessica Simcox for their roles in the Spring 2012 production of “Disturbed by the Wind”, and Zachary Kantack and Bryan Bush for their roles in the Fall 2012 production of “A Christmas Carol.”
Costumes from “A Christmas Carol” will also make the trip to Nebraska as they have been submitted into the costume parade at the festival. Costumes must be entered into a judging system months before the festival, and only a fraction are chosen to represent their schools in the parade.
As a member of the Dakota State University Theater Company, and attendant of KCACTF, I can say that we are all proud of the work we have accomplished throughout the year, and are excited to showcase our efforts and ability this year at the Region 5 festival. Good luck to those competing next week!
Featured photo: That’s the author, Alyssa Ternes, on the left overseeing practice for last month’s play “A Christmas Carol.” Zach Kantack and Bryan Bush are nominated at the Region 5 Festival for their work on the aforementioned play. Meanwhile, Tawny Jones and Jessica Simcox are nominated for their work in last spring’s “Disturbed by the Wind.” Photo by Tiffany Sommer.