Trojan Times' Cookbook: Alysia's No Bake Cookies


(Editors Note: The Trojan Times is interested in helping college students to eat affordable meals on a tight budget. We asked our staff to submit some of their favorite cheap and delicious college recipes. If you have some cheap and easy recipes you would like to submit please send them to

– 2 c. Sugar

– 3 tbs. Cocoa

– 1 stick of butter/margarine

– 1/4 c. Milk

– 1/2 c. Peanut Butter

– 1 tsp. Vanilla

– 3 c. Oats

Mix the first four  ingredients in a pot until they boil for 1 minute only (do not over-boil or the mixture will not set correctly). Remove the mixture from heat and add the last three ingredients. Scoop and drop the mixture by rounded spoons on wax paper. Let cool, eat and enjoy!