6 Tips for Thanksgiving Break as a College Student

It’s that time of year…lots of food, lots of family and friends, lots of free time, and everything that comes along with that. But you’re in college now, so you know the holidays mean something different. You might be going back home, tagging along to a friend’s house, or even just relaxing alone. How can you make the most of the break, no matter where you find yourself?
- Eat as much good food as you can.
This might be a given, but seriously. Take full advantage of every opportunity you get to eat beyond your fill of tasty food. No ramen or vending machine food for a few days if you can avoid it!
- Do some cooking yourself.
Whether you’re going home, to a friend’s house, or just hanging out on your own, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to practice cooking. Try a traditional dish or perhaps begin a new tradition for your own Thanksgiving! And if it doesn’t turn out, it’s likely there will be many other food options around because – duh – it’s Thanksgiving.
- Do all your homework before break begins.
This will help you relax and enjoy your break, as long as you don’t let stress about finals begin to plague you! There are two and a half more weeks to worry about those when classes are back in session.
- …Or save your homework for the break.
Both having and not having homework during break can be good. If you do have homework, it can serve as an excuse for a break from your family or the series you’re binging on Netflix (both of which may be best in smaller doses).
- Don’t microwave a turkey.
Your mom is right. This simply won’t work.
- Be thankful.
Although this is the reason for the season, we often forget to do this. So what is it that you’re glad you woke up with this morning? Appreciate it.
Thanksgiving is a great time of year, for more reasons than the time off school. Take a step back and enjoy some things you may not have the opportunity to any other time of the year. Then start looking forward to the next long break when the semester ends!