DSU Homecoming Coronation

Dan Crisler
Homecoming week has begun at DSU. But before the week had a chance to devolve into utter chaos, a Homecoming king and queen have been appointed by the masses to keep the order intact.
In a king field of five candidate that included Zach Merrill, Judd Alberty, Jake Friesen, and DK Lee, Student Senate nominee David Miller emerged to claim the crown.
On the queen side, Student Ambassadors representative Jessy Bos emerged victorious in a field that also included Morgan Stadler, Emily Hansen, Lacey Roth, and Emily Sperry.
In keeping with the superhero theme that will be prevalent throughout the week, candidates were asked who their favorite superhero was. These ranged from the popular, like Batman, to the surprising, like the Power Rangers. In both Miller’s and Bos’ case, they chose Batman, although for different reasons. Miller explained why he chose Batman, “He’s just a man; he has no superpowers, but he still is able to do good and fight evil.” Bos was simple in her explanation, stating, “I loved the movie ‘The Dark Knight.’”

Other questions asked of the candidates included what superpower each of them would like to have. Here, Miller and Bos differed as to their desired superpower. Bos wanted to be able to teleport, because that way she “could be somewhere within seconds without having to plan around the time it takes to get somewhere.” As for Miller’s superpower, he stated that he wished he could have “the ability to touch and book and instantly know everything in it.”

To celebrate the crowning of a new king and queen, magician Norman Ng performed right after the ceremony.
Photographs are taken by Trojan Time Photographer: Tiffany Sommer.