DSU Student Senate Notes: February 20 and March 13

March 13, 2013
The regular weekly meeting of Dakota State University’s Student Association Senate was held on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 8:00 pm in the TC Marketplace. All officers were in attendance except for Vice President Irvine. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
The Senate held an open forum to collect student opinions on the midnight policy. Senator Boyte made a motion for the Senate to stand in opposition of this policy. The motion was seconded and decided in roll call vote. The motion carried with 12 votes against 1. See the table below for detailed results.
The meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm.
February 20, 2013
The regular weekly meeting of Dakota State University’s Student Association Senate was held on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 8:00 pm in the Regents Room. All officers were in attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
At a previous meeting, Senator Verhey had suggested an idea that the students of the university develop and adopt an integrity statement that would detail what the students expect of themselves. The topic was tabled until this meeting. The Senate has decided to create an ad hoc committee to handle this initiative. Senators Verhey and Manahan will serve as co-chairs.
The meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm.
In the service of the students,
DSU Student Association Senate
Molly K Miller, Administrative Assistant
Featured image provided by DSU Student Senate, via their notes.