
artificial intelligence and microchip
Reading science fiction novels is a dangerous pastime, especially when studying at Dakota State University. DSU has introduced an artificial intelligence and machine learning minor and major. However, the goal is not to take over the world instead to educate students on how AI can benefit the world. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly expanding fields and offer excellent opportunities.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning may seem daunting to anyone outside of the Beacom college. Austin O’Brien, an associate professor within the Beacom college, stated that a student only needs to have taken computer science to succeed within the minor. However, the courses are heavy with mathematics. The pillars behind the techniques are math, computer science, and statistics. While all those fields sound very technical, the minor is open to all majors on campus. O’Brien explained, “We really want students outside of just computer science to have this minor just because I think it is so applicable in so many different fields. There is so much room for exploration like art.” Artificial intelligence executes tasks often associated with human intelligence, including creating new art and music. For example, AI uses the style of Van Gogh and applies it to photographs. There is a lot of creative uses that could be explored.
Dakota State introduced an artificial intelligence specialization to the computer science major. Students started pushing for a minor and a bachelor’s program, and now the college is looking towards a master’s degree. In the future, there is a definite possibility for a doctorate program for AI and machine learning. O’Brien hopes that students will expand their experience outside of the classroom. He talked about a robotics club or art competitions. The expansion of AI into clubs will get more students interested in the field. The possibilities are endless within the AI and machine learning fields. From art to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence and machine learning have many applications within our world.