Intoxicated Individual Vandalizes Beadle.

Photo credits Tiffany Sommer
The corridors and classrooms of Beadle Hall, on Saturday, the 19th of October, bore testimony to a vandal attack that left quite a bit of the bicentennial building defaced. Only after hours of hard work by the custodial staff, and by Rose Brinkman in particular, was it ensured that the classrooms and hallways were repainted and ready for use by Tuesday, the 22nd of October. During that time, several classes that were scheduled to take place in one of the more severely vandalized classrooms had to be relocated causing no small inconvenience to students and faculty alike.
The incident, which has been termed “senseless and unnecessary” by President Borofsky, was perpetrated by an inebriated individual who recalls little of what transpired. Dean Jones of Beadle Hall expressed the shock and surprise felt by his faculty at the incident. He also expressed his satisfaction that the perpetrator apologized to President Borofsky for the incident. Whether the graffiti artist will apologize to the students and faculty whose daily lives he disrupted has yet to be seen.
“Substance abuse is an issue on nearly every university campus”, says DSU’s new Support/Wellness Counselor Nicole Bowen, “but the Office of Student Development is here to help students deal with such issues.” All services offered through the Office of Student Development are completely confidential. So if anyone at DSU ever finds themselves in a similar situation, go see the diligent people in the DSU underground instead of taking out frustration on public property.
Thank you, Rose, from a former student. Her work and kindness is much under appreciated!