Is It Colder Than It Should Be? Yes

You may have noticed your mood may be getting sour lately as you progress through another day shuffling from heated area to heated area. You may be asking, “Shouldn’t the weather have warmed up by now?”
If that is the case, then you’re absolutely right. It should be warmer by now.
According to Weather Underground (fun fact: The name is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the 1960s radical group the Weather Underground, along with forecasting the weather, of course), the average high temperature for Wednesday should be 42 degrees with a low of 24 for this area. Instead, the forecast calls for a high of 18 and a low of 2. For the arithmetic enthusiast, that means the high will be 24 degrees below average while the low will be 22 below average. We are in the middle of a prolonged cold spell, which began last Friday when the high was 35, compared to an average high of 40, and the low was 26, which was 6 degrees warmer than the average.
Unfortunately, the forecast calls for the cold spell to continue for as far they can predict into the future (about next Monday as of this writing). The high that day is forecast to be 32 degrees, compared to a 44 average high on that particular day. The forecast low and average low are much closer together, being 20 and 25, respectively.
If that doesn’t tickle your fancy enough, then you’ll be absolutely delighted to know that more snow may fall later this week and this weekend. There is a 40% chance of snow both on Thursday night and Friday. Then there is a 70% chance for Saturday night and Sunday, with a 50% chance on Monday. Right now, measurement projections don’t look to be too scary, with the maximum being up to 4 inches on Saturday night. But your dear editor reserves the right to be wrong should it be much less or much more (after all, he’s just looking at the Internet).
But, should we be compelled to have snow on a weekend, it’s probably better for it to happen this weekend rather than the weekend after, as many will have traveling plans for the Easter holiday.
That doesn’t mean we have to like it, especially at this time of the year.
Featured photo taken from Wikimedia Commons. It was taken in Germany. Does that photo still look pretty to you? Or does it just depress you?