Make a Game in 48 hours! Global Game Jam 2015 @DSU

Gamers, game designers and general game lovers across DSU are getting ready and gearing up for the Global Game Jam 2015 – the annual event that brings together developers from all levels and background as they struggle to create a game in 48 hours.
Having had the honor of being the South Dakota venue for several years now, Dakota State University boasts an ever-increasing number of participants, some even coming down from outside the state. This year the expected number of participants has motivated the organizers to expand their theatre of operation to include both East Hall (the traditional value) as well as parts of the Science Center.
‘Global Game Jam is really where I picked up the bulk of my game designer skills’ , one returning participant was quoted saying and this sentiment was echoed by several of his peers. The perpetually looming deadline, constant rush to complete objectives, sleep deprivation and caffeine dependency are all representative of working conditions in actual Video Game Studios. Moreover, the ‘jack-of-all-trades’ approach adopted by most participants ensures that everyone is aware of their own versatility. Many a neophyte game designer discovered skills they did not even know they possessed at this wondrous event.
However, Game Design majors are not the only ones who can take part in Global Game Jam. From venerable Computer Science Programmers to creative, free spirited English Poets – one can find almost every major at DSU represented amongst the weary, sleep deprived teams. Thanks to how complex even the simplest game can become, there is almost always something for someone to do.
Good with software development? Blam! You are now a Game Programmer!
Great with grammar? Blam! You are now a Game Writer!
Excellent with a paintbrush? Boom! You are now a Game Artist!
Just a natural people’s person? Guess who is going to present their game before all of DSU!
Global Game Jam takes starts this Friday, 23 January. This year’s theme will officially be announced at 6 pm local time at the East Hall Auditorium. But don’t wait around for that! Show up an hour early and get to know your potential teammates – you will not regret it!
Head on over to the following link to register for Global Game Jam, and be sure to pick Dakota State University as your venue.