Nanocon – South Dakota’s biggest gaming convention is almost here!

Nanocon is a Dakota State University tradition. Every year during one of the first weekends in November, Nanocon is held at the playhouse. The Gaming Club is responsible for the event. This year Nanocon lands on the sixth, seventh and eighth. The convention celebrates nerd culture. Nanocon gives people a chance to try out games of all flavors. From the latest digital games concocted by the game design majors to obscure board games that you may not have heard of to even a classic session of Dungeons and Dragons – Nanocon offers it all! It even offers Dakota State University students a chance to make a little money in the Artist Alley. Students that express themselves creatively, have a chance to show off what they can do. There are also awesome vendors, like Flashbax, that peddle wears specifically designed to appeal to the ‘nerd’ culture. The interesting thing about Flashbax is they sell both old and new collectibles. Convention goers have a chance to pick up anime, and manga for great deals as well through them.
Buying goodies from vendors and playing tabletop games are only a couple of the things you could do at Nanocon. Panels on game design offer attendees unique ways of both learning and meeting new people whilst sharing their own ideas in an open forum.. Another enjoyable part of the convention is being able to dress up as a pop culture figure. But the best part of Nanocon, is that it is free! There is no charge to enter Sunday, November 8th, afternoon is when the convention is over. The doors to Nanocon open on the 6th of November. It is definitely a quintessential part of studying at Dakota State University and the Trojan Times heartily recommends that you attend it. The convention changes a little each year. So who knows what new, amazing thing await attendees this time!