Registration Begins for Fall 2012 Intramural Sports

By Dillon Dwyer
Students looking for something to do with their down time need not be bored any longer. The time for Intramural sports has returned to DSU.
Men’s 7-on-7 flag football is the first intramural sport to return to campus. Starting on September 11th, you and six other buddies can run, pass, or even possibly walk your way into the end zone. All games are on Tuesday nights at the Thue Softball Complex. Team registration is due by noon on September 10th. A team captains meeting will be held at 5:30pm on the bleachers at the softball fields.
The next intramural activity students can take advantage of will be a homecoming softball tournament. Here is your chance to bust out the gloves and get the bats going September 25th through the 27th at the Thue Softball Complex. Register by September 24th at noon.
Co-ed volleyball will also take place during the months of September and October. Dates and times have not been decided yet, so keep your eyes peeled for announcements around campus if you’re interested.
After these first three fall intramurals have wrapped up for another year, you can expect basketball, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and more softball to make an appearance. Check your emails for DSU activities postings for updates on when these sports will be starting.
Officials are needed for intramural sports. DSU is looking for individuals who are motivated to officiate over flag football, softball, volleyball and basketball. Most events take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 6pm to 9pm. If you’re interested in becoming part of the DSU intramural staff contact the Recreations Office by calling (605) 256-7546 or e-mail Nicholas Lemke at
Anyone wishing to register for any of these intramural sports is able to do so online at the following site:
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