Second Annual Hunger Banquet Tuesday Night

Hunger is a problem for people all around the world. It is a problem that is not faced equally by all people. There are countries that suffer more than others. There are people who are born into privilege and people who are born into suffering. Real hunger is not a choice but a circumstance.
Dakota State University is about to host its 2nd Annual “Taste of Hunger Banquet” on Tuesday, January 22nd, at 6:00 p.m. in the Trojan Center Underground on the DSU Campus. Community members and beyond are encouraged to come see first hand the role that circumstance plays in hunger and poverty around the world. Attendance is free but it is encouraged to bring a canned food donation for the Lake County Food Pantry.
What is a hunger banquet? A hunger banquet consists of a unique dinner opportunity followed by a few guest speakers. The thing that makes this dinner so unique is that the seating arrangement and the meal you are served are randomly assigned and reflect a social class. Some people by circumstance might get lobster for example. While other people may find themselves eating rice and bread.
After the meal, guest speakers will share their own experiences dealing with hunger and poverty here in South Dakota. This interactive dinner opportunity is a chance for people to get a sense of what poverty and hunger mean to them.
The “Taste of Hunger Banquet” is sponsored through Oxfam with the help of the DSU College of Arts and Sciences, DSU English Club, DSU2, DSU GSA Club, DSU Office of Diversity Services, and the DSU Hunger Banquet Planning Committee. It is part of a national effort to spread awareness about the issues of hunger and poverty.
If you have the time, I recommend you check out this event. It looks to be a great chance to experience and learn a little more about the world around us and gain some understanding of what life can be like for other people. You never know, there is a chance you may even get a taste of what hunger is like.
Featured photo taken from Wikimedia Commons. Yeah, yeah, stereotypical photo with African children attached to a hunger story. But hey, it serves its purpose. (Dan Crisler)
I hope to make it. Thanks for the overview, Dillon.