Back to Action: Somebody Grab the Wheel

Artwork by Ralph Steadman

Artwork by Ralph Steadman

It’s only a week into the Fall Semester and it feels like everyone is off to the races on campus. Amidst all the organized chaos that permeates DSU this time of year, I find myself back in the driver’s seat of The Trojan Times. After my first year as editor, I now have a lot better understanding of how I need to run things this year.

I’m very proud of what my staff was able to accomplish last semester. We increased our following on Facebook, we had on average more views per month than past years, and thanks to our former cartoonist, Zach Kantack, we had more view in one month than in the last two years combined. Unfortunately, graduation has taken Zach and a few other veteran members and left me with some big holes to fill. I wish Zach, Andrew Van Demark and Alysia Derry-Chavez nothing but success in their new life adventures and I want to thank them for all the hard work they contributed to The Trojan Times.

Moving forward, I have to put the pieces back together as quickly as possible. It is my plan to keep improving upon the foundation that my staff and I have built. In order to successfully do that, I’m going to need another photographer, a new cartoonist, and a couple of sports writers and campus reporters. If you have an interest in any of those positions and are looking to make a little extra cash, please email me at

Once I have the pieces to my new puzzle in place, I plan on getting a little dirtier this year than we did last year. When I say dirtier, I mean it in the sense that I want to develop a voice for The Trojan Times that isn’t afraid to get to the bottom of things. If there is something that needs to called out or dug up, The Trojan Times is going to be looking to bring it to our audience’s attention. Essentially, we’re going to get our hands dirty by digging in the dirt where all the buried treasures are kept.

All in all, expect a lot of new things and even the return of few old thing from The Trojan Times this year. As always, I’m sure it will be an interesting ride. If what they say about it being the journey that is important and not the destination, then I think it should be another great year for more learning and growth both in the classroom and around campus here at DSU.


Best wishes,

Dillon Dwyer – Editor