New Trojan Soccer Field Debuts More Than Just DSU

On September 9th, 2023, the Madison High School marching band debuted their 2023 field competition show titled “La Nouba Cirque du Solei.” This show features a heavy percussion introduction, favoring the battery and frontline duo (collectively known as a Drumline). Quickly the show evolves into a mixture of high brass and low brass melodies. Finally the woodwinds take flight and join the marching band in a playfully enticing show. The four movements of marching drill the Madison High School band has worked on for the past month came to life on the Trojan Soccer Field. Pictured below is the Spirit of Madison Marching band at the beginning of “La Nouba Cirque du Solei.” The three students directly in the middle of the field are this years drum majors, who will lead the band to excellence in their competition season.

For years Dakota State University and the Madison school district have had a strong working relationship. Both the school district and DSU utilized the previous football field and DSU has host many different events catered directly to the school district. With the new sports complex continuing construction into well into next semester, the Madison High School football team along with the Dakota State Trojans have been using the soccer field during home games.
As a Madison High School band alumni, I can attest to the great memories the DSU field has been a part of during the marching band season. Because of Dakota State Universities generosity with its assets Madison High School’s athletes (and yes that includes marching band members) have the opportunity to play on a college level quality field and track. Both of DSU and Madison High School staff, students, and alumni are excited to see this new sports complex come to life over the next year!
Not only will this field bring new attractions to Dakota State, but is also brings together the community. By having a sports complex where all sports are able to be played DSU will have created a central hub for athletics and majors involving athletics. Finally, pictured bellow is the sacred end of performance huddle, where the Madison High School marching band chants their final chants and begins to tear down the show. Parents of senior students stand along the track watching their kiddos last “Under the Lights” performance and forever beloved band huddle.